Repatriated documents from the French Consulate in Jerusalem
Reference | 294PO/B/64-65 |
Title | Renseignements commerciaux |
Dates | 1898-1914 |
Dates Start | 1898 |
Dates End | 1898 |
Level of description | Sub-subseries |
Extend and medium | 2 items |
Repository | Centre of Diplomatic Archives in Nantes (CADN) |
Name of creator(s) | French General Consulate in Jerusalem (CGFJ) |
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Reference | FR-CADN/294PO |
Title | Repatriated documents from the French Consulate in Jerusalem |
Covering dates | 1781-01-01-1998-12-31 |
Dates Start | 1781-01-01 |
Dates End | 1998-12-31 |
Level of description | Fonds |
Extend and medium | Global extent: unknown; extent of Series B: 6,70 linear meters, 199 files; the 71 first files of the series are described |
Repository | Centre of Diplomatic Archives in Nantes (CADN) |
Name of creator(s) | French General Consulate in Jerusalem (CGFJ) |
Archival history | The oldest documents of the Consulate fonds date back to 1840. Consul Boppe rearranged them in 1904. In a 1958 review, the Consulate was congratulated about its records organization : « Jérusalem peut actuellement servir d'exemple à d'autres postes » (Jerusalem can now be an example for other consulates). The fonds is made of two subfonds which count 9 series : Part 1, subfonds 1781-1948 : - Series A « Holy places », 1840-1914. - Series B « Thematic files of the French consulate in Palestine and Emirate of Transjordan », 1781-1941. - Series C « Delegation of Free France and End of the British Mandate », 1941-1948. - Series E « Registers » 1843-1947. Part 2, subfonds 1848-1991 : - Series 2, 1948-1966. - Series 3, 1967-1977. - Series 4, 1978-1991. - Series 5, 1994-1998, thematic arrangement. - Series F « Registers » 1948-1969. The current series A and B were at first only one series : secretary Paulette Gustin organized and made an inventory of them in the 1956 (the canvas-binded inventory). In 1977, the 56 first boxes have been reorganized in 140 items by Agnès Pouillon, curator at the Foreign Office Archives : they now constitute the A series which has a dedicated inventory. The following boxes have been reassigned numbers from 1 to 299 and now constitutes series B. Still currently used, the 1956 handwritten canvas-binded inventory has been reworked since 2014, as the B series files have been reorganized and better described. A new analytical inventory was published on February 12th, 2016, based on the new description of boxes one to seventy one. The upgraded description of the following boxes is on-going. This work was the occasion to put the « Papiers Neuville » back in the fonds. These files had been sent to the French diplomatic National Archives in 1973 : they were found in the hotel room of M. Yves Neuville, son of a French Consul in Jerusalem (Consul from 1946 to 1952), who died in an accident in Palma de Majorque. They have been partly reintegrated on January, 20th 2016 : - Documents reintegrated in January 2016 : the part of the files which did not concern religious issues and which dated from 1840 to 1914 was put back into the B series with, on each file, an explanation of its origin and the date of its reintegration. - Documents still not reintegrated : - a number of files dealing with religious issues and dated from 1840 to 1914 have been organized and are now waiting for their reintegration in A series. - a number of files dated from 1915 to 1940 have been organized and a reference code has been suggested. |
Immediate source of acquisition or transfer | Several missions took place in the Consulate to prepare the documents repatriation to French diplomatic National Archives. Curators Ms Pouillon and Mrs Pozzo di Borgo came and worked on a two months mission from october to november 1977. - Series A « Holy places », 1840-1914 : files repatriated to Paris with series B in 1978. - Series B « Thematic files of the French consulate in Palestine and Emirate of Transjordan », 1781-1941 : repatriated to Paris in 1978. - Series C « Delegation of Free France and End of the British Mandate », 1941-1948 : repatriated to Paris in 1978 and 1998. - Series E « Registers », 1843-1947 : repatriated to Paris in 1978 and 1998. - Series 2, 1948-1966 : repatriated in 1983. - Series 3, 1967-1977 : repatriated in 1998. - Series 4, 1978-1991 : repatriated in 2005. - Series 5, 1994-1998, thematic arrangement : repatriated in 2011. - Series F « Registers » 1948-1969 : transferred in 2013. |
Description | The consulate’s archives show how worked the representatives of France in Jerusalem since 1842 and reveal whom they interacted with : local authorities, the different communities living there, Consulates from other countries, the French Embassy and the French Foreign Office. These documents are also a way to understand the political and religious conflicts that took place from time to time during that period (Crimean War in 1853). |
Conditions governing access | Subject to the authorization of Centre of Diplomatic Archives in Nantes (CADN) |
Finding aids | First inventory made in 1956 by Paulette Gustin, chancellery reporter : A and B series were described as one. Analytical inventory (handwritten) of series A made by curator Agnès Pouillon in 1977 and upgraded in march 2007 by Sylvie Louis-Aublé. Analytical inventory of items 1 to 71 from series B typed up on February 12th, 2016 by Adélaïde Laloux, on Open-Jerusalem Program (ERC European Research Council financed program, Starting Grant n°337895), supervised by Bérangère Fourquaux, curator at the Centre of Diplomatic Archives in Nantes (CADN). |
Publication notes | LEMIRE (Vincent), « Histoire des réseaux techniques dans la municipalité ottomane de Jérusalem : Enjeux de souveraineté, conflits de pouvoirs, réseaux de mémoires », dans Denis BOCQUET et Samuel FETTAH (dir.), Réseaux techniques et conflits de pouvoir : les dynamiques historiques des villes contemporaines, Collection de l’École Française de Rome 374, École Française de Rome, 2007, p. 31-56. LEMIRE (Vincent), "Les lieux saints réinventés : les points d’eau comme points de repère (Jérusalem, XIXe s.)", dans Barbara HAIDER (dir.), Europa und Palästina 1799-1948. Religion, Politik, Gesellschaft, Vienne, janvier 2009. LEMIRE (Vincent), Jérusalem 1900, la ville sainte à l’âge des possibles, Paris, Armand Colin, 2013, 251 p. VRIGNON (Alexis), Le protectorat religieux de la France en Palestine (1852-1914), mémoire de Master, Université de Nantes, 2006. |
Rules or conventions | International standard for archival description, General, etc. |
Date of the catalogue | Catalogue prepared on January 2016 |
Archivist's notes | Inventory of a range of 71 items from “Series B, Repatriated documents from the French General Consulate in Jerusalem”, (1781-1941), held by the Centre of Diplomatic Archives in Nantes (CADN), made by Adelaïde Laloux, supervised by Bérangère Fourquaux, (based on Sylvie Louis-Aublé’s analytical inventory of April 2007), 2016. |
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