Palestine Exploration Fund
Held by Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF)
Reference | GB-PEF/DA/JER/WAR62.04 |
Title | Thireteen sketches and sections |
Dates | 1867-1868 no... |
Dates Start | 1867 |
Dates End | 1867 |
Level of description | Item |
Extend and medium | 13 items |
Repository | Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) |
Name of creator(s) | Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) |
Description | - N° 62.0401. Sketch showing results of excavations in the Tyropean Valley. Elevation. Scale 1:500. Signed Warren 22 [possibly August] 1867. Litho [possibly 2], H: 7.7cm x W: 26.1cm. - N° 62.0402. Rough progress section through Mount Moriah. Scale - 1:2500. Colour. Litho 3, H: 12.6cm x W: 19.2cm, 22 October 1867. - N° 62.0403. Progress section through the Tyropean Valley. No. 6 shaft north was found at 36’. Scale 1:500. Colour. Litho 2. H: 12.2cm x W: 19.0cm, no date. - N° 62.0404. Section through Haram area from Triple Gate to Souterrain at Sisters of Zion to show the contour of the rock. Scale - 1:2500. Colour. Warren 12 [possibly October] 1867. Litho 7, H: 10.0cm x W: 26.7cm. - N° 62.0405. Rough section and elevation at South-West Angle, Haram Area, with South Wall. Scale - 1:500. Colour. Litho 3, H: 11.5cm x W: 25.0cm, 12 October 1867. - N° 62.0406. Rough section, North-South, and elevation near South-West Angle, Haram Area. Signed Warren 12 November 1867. Colour. Litho 7, H: 11.5cm x W: 26.7cm. - N° 62.0407. Progress Sketch of Section through Tyropean Valley. Scale - 1:500. Warren 11 September 1867. Colour. Litho 3, H: 12.5cm x W: 30.7cm. - N° 62.0408. Section through Haram Wall south 40’ from South-West Angle. Scale - 4’ to 1 inch. Dated October 12 1868; no signature. Litho 4. Colour, H: 27.0cm x W: 9.7cm. - N° 62.0409. Rough sketch-section to show possible extent of Robinson’s Arch. “It is impossible to say whether the pavement belongs to a low level bridge or to the bottom of the galley if the latter than the true bottom must be within the Haram Entrance,” signed by C. Warren, 1 January 1868, H: 18.5cm x W: 28.5cm. - N° 62.0410. Contour Sketch Map showing possible course of the Tyropean Gulley (sic), Warren 12 December 1867, H: 19.3cm x W: 25.6cm. - N° 62.0411. Sketch section to show galleries driven in search of the west pier of Robinson’s Arch. Signed by C. Warren 21 December 1867. Scale - 10’ to one inch. H: 20.5cm x W: 26.1cm. - N° 62.0412. Sectional elevation of the South Wall of Haram Area. Progress section. Scale - 1:2500. Signed by Warren. Colour. Litho 1, H: 20.8cm x W: 35.0cm, no date. - N° 62.0413. Progress section at Robinson’s Arch. Referred to in Warren’s letter of January 1 1868. Warren 1 January 1868, H: 27.6cm x W: 39.1cm. |
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Reference | GB-PEF |
Title | Palestine Exploration Fund |
Covering dates | 1849-1918 |
Dates Start | 1849 |
Dates End | 1918 |
Level of description | Fonds |
Extend and medium | 567 selected and described items |
Repository | Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) |
Name of creator(s) | Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) |
Conditions governing access | Subject to the authorization of Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) |
Rules or conventions | International standard for archival description, General, etc. |
Date of the catalogue | Catalogue prepared on June 2017 |
Archivist's notes | Inventory of a range of items from the Archives of the Palestine Exploration Fund (1849-1918), held by the Palestine Exploration Fund (London), made by Felicity Cobbling [and others?], 2017. |
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