United States Consular Records for Jerusalem, Palestine
Reference | US-NARA/RG84/1361409/pp320-321 |
Title | Dispatch Nr 71 dated 25 September 1879, from Consul Joseph G. Wilson to Third Assistant Secretary of State Charles Payson |
Dates | 1879-09-25 |
Dates Start | 1879-09-25 |
Dates End | 1879-09-25 |
Level of description | Item |
Extend and medium | 1 item |
Repository | National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) |
Name of creator(s) | United States Consulate General in Jerusalem (USCGJ) |
Description | Response to the request made by the National Board of Health in Washington on statistics in regard to climate, health, death-rate, etc. Also contains a report on the visit to Jerusalem of the English Embassador at Constantinople (pp. 320-321). |
Language of material | English |
Sources | http://www.archives.openjerusalem.org/index.php/dispatch-nr-71-dated-25-september-1879-from-consul-joseph-g-wilson-to-third-assistant-secretary-of-state-charles-payson?sf_culture=en |
Reference | US-NARA/RG84 |
Title | United States Consular Records for Jerusalem, Palestine |
Covering dates | 1857-1909 |
Dates Start | 1857 |
Dates End | 1909-12-29 |
Level of description | Series |
Repository | National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) |
Name of creator(s) | United States Consulate General in Jerusalem (USCGJ) |
Description | The RG 84 series (US-NARA) includes the rapatriated records from US embassies and consulates around the world. It is mainly constitutes of correspondence. For the period between 1856 and 1935, we can find 261 volumes. It is both sent correspondence (copies or minutes) and received correspondence (the received letters are stuck together to form registers). Most of these registers date back to the 1912-1935 period (160 volumes). The selected items come from Volume 22 (Years 1857 to 1870), Volume 47A (Years 1871 to 1886), Volume 47B (Years 1886 to 1896), Volume 47C (Years 1897 to 1908) and Volume 47D (Years 1904 to 1909). |
System of arrangement | The 261 volumes go from n°1 to n°237 because 23 registers are assigned the same number but with a letter (.A, .B, .C) or a volume number (.1, .2, .3). |
Conditions governing access | Subject to the authorization of National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) |
Finding aids | The folder RG84, located in the NARA inventory room, provides a 5 pages list of the RG84 261 volumes. |
Rules or conventions | International standard for archival description, General, etc. |
Archivist's notes | Author(s) : François Rimelen |
Sources | http://www.archives.openjerusalem.org/index.php/united-states-consular-records-for-jerusalem-palestine?sf_culture=en |