Yildiz Palace’s archives, Grand Vizierate
Held by Ottoman Archives of the Prime Minister’s Office (BOA)
Reference | TR-BOA/Y/PRK-DH |
Title | Administrative Affairs |
Dates | 1872-01-01-1909-12-31 |
Dates Start | 1872-01-01 |
Dates End | 1909-12-31 |
Level of description | Subseries |
Extend and medium | Global extent: 1220 files; 7 selected and described items |
Repository | Ottoman Archives of the Prime Minister’s Office (BOA) |
Name of creator(s) | Yildiz Palace (Y) |
Description | This subseries includes correspondence between Yıldız Palace and Interior Ministry Counsellor and such institutions as Dahiliye Mektubi Kalemi, the Directory of Interior Press (Matbuat-ı Dahiliye Müdüriyeti), the Nomination Commission of Civil Officers (Mülkiye İntihab Komisyonu), Imperial Poorhouse (Darülaceze), Directory of Ottoman Official Gazette (Takvim-i Vekayi Müdürlüğü) and the Nomination Commission of Officers (İntihab-ı Memurin Komisyonu); it also includes writings from provinces through the Ministry of Interior, instructions regarding the Ministry of Interior and letters written to the Civil Service Inspectorship. The starting and ending Hijri dates for this subseries are: 1289-1327. |
Sources | http://www.archives.openjerusalem.org/index.php/administrative-affairs-2 |
Reference | TR-BOA/Y |
Title | Yildiz Palace’s archives, Grand Vizierate |
Covering dates | 1830-01-01-1922-12-31 |
Dates Start | 1830-01-01 |
Dates End | 1922-12-31 |
Level of description | Fonds |
Extend and medium | Global extent: 228390 files; 418 selected and described items (373 lines in XLS) |
Repository | Ottoman Archives of the Prime Minister’s Office (BOA) |
Name of creator(s) | Yildiz Palace (Y) |
Description | This fonds constitutes a very rich collection of documents resulting from the assortment of documents belonging to the rule of Sultan Abdülhamid II (1876-1909). It includes 1618 files, 626000 documents and 15679 notebooks. It appears that it includes important documents for this period, which is a fresh field for the research in the history of management. Yıldız catalogues (series) are collected in five main groups; the Main Documents of Yıldız Palace (Yıldız Esas Evrakı), the Official Documents of Grand Vizierate (Sadâret Resmî Maruzât Evrakı), the Officially Presented Documents of Grand Vizierate (Sadâret Husûsî Maruzât Evrakı) and the Daily Documents of Yıldız Palace (Yıldız Perakende Evrakı). |
Accruals | The fonds is closed. |
Conditions governing access | Subject to the authorization of Ottoman Archives of the Prime Minister’s Office (BOA) |
Rules or conventions | International standard for archival description, General, etc. |
Date of the catalogue | February 2018 |
Archivist's notes | Author(s): Yasemin Avci, Katerina Stathi |
Sources | http://www.archives.openjerusalem.org/index.php/yildiz-palaces-archives-grand-vizierate?sf_culture=en |