Bishop Porphyrij Uspenskij, Journals
Held by St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PFARAN)
Reference | RU-PFARAN/118/Op.1/28 |
Alternative identifier | Assigned nbr to the document/piece - IA 11 |
Title | Period between 1854 and 1864 |
Dates Start | 1854 |
Dates End | 1854 |
Level of description | File |
Extend and medium | 1 file; material: paper; dimensions (LxW): 35x22 cm, 26,5x21 cm; red carton with leather spine (Academy of Sciences); manuscript, 580 folios; Recto-Verso; main ink: black and blue ink, pencil |
Repository | St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PFARAN) |
Name of creator(s) | Bishop Porphyry Uspenskij (EPU) |
Description | Stay in Jerusalem till May 8, 1854 (ff, 1-36v, 54-97v). The case of the inhabitants of the village Beth-Djala who have offended the Latin Patriarch Valerga. The participation of the French consul and the archaeologue E. Botta in the affair against them. Short summary of the activities of Porphyrij in Jerusalem and Palestine. Last months in Jerusalem and details on the political situation there in the first half of 1854. Departure from Palestine. Stay in Jerusalem from February 16, 1860 till the end of July 1860. Description of his arrival to Jerusalem. Revision of his belongings. Work in the library of the Greek Patriarchate and the monastery of St. Sabbas, research on the Greek manuscripts. Research in Bethlehem. Details on church history. Detailed description of the epigraphic and icons in the monastery of St. Sabbas. Description of the icons and buildings of the Holy Cross monastery in Jerusalem. About the teachers of the school in the same monastery. Reception in the house of the Prussian consul Rosen and learned discussions with him. Reception at bishop Cyril Naumov. Short summary of the 4 letters, sent to the ober-procuror of the Holy Synod. Ff. 78-79: letter from N. Liubimov to Porphyry (december 10, 1853, copy). Instructions about his behaviour and actions in the new conditions of the war. Ff. 79v-80: copy of Porphyry's answer (February 28, 1854). Ff. 84-86v: Porphyry to N. Liubimov (March 28, 1854, copy) Ff. 87-90: Porphyry to N. Liubimov (April 10, 1854, copy) Ff. 90-91: Porphyry to N. Liubimov (April 25, 1854, copy). Plan of Mt. Athos (f. 100, pencil). Ff. 111-112v: letter from Pizzamano to Porphyry (Jerusalem, October 22, 1855, original, in French) about the life in Jerusalem and the conservation of the library of the mission. Ff. 113v-114: letter from Porphyry to L. G. Seniavin (November 3, 1855, copy) about the property of the mission in Jerusalem, based on the letter from Pizzamano. Ff. 116-116v: letter to Porphyry from the Russian Academy of Sciences (December 12, 1855, original, signature Ivan Davydov) about a Glagolic subscription under an Athos act. F. 152: letter to Porphyry from A. Gorchakov (April 9, 1857, copy) about receiving his works on the Orthodox East. Ff. 154-154v: letter from Titov (April 7, 1857, original) personal affairs. Ff. 155-155v: letter from Porphyry to A. S. Norov (April 1857, copy) about the edition of his works. Ff. 211-212: B. Masurov to Porphyry, covering letter about his printed note on Palestine (26 December, 1858, copy). Ff. 212-212v: Covering letter from Grand Duke Constantin Nikolaevich (December 27, 1857, copy). F. 213: Porphyry's answer (January 6, 1858, copy). Ff. 267-268: sketches and plans of Mt. Athos (pencil). Ff. 275v-276v: letter from over-prosecutor A. P. Tolstoy to Porphyry (November 10, 1858, copy) about his future visit to Jerusalem. Ff. 276v-277v: Poprhyry's answer to Count Tolstoy, December 24, 1858, copy). Ff. 342, 343: coloured drawings, copies from Mt. Athos. F. 367: a photo of a detail of the basilique in Bethlehem. F. 369: a photo from a manuscript (fragment). Ff. 372, 373: photos from drawings of walls in the same basilique. F. 396v-397: S. Urusov to Porphyry, June 21, 1860 (copy), about his return to Russia and the money paid for his scientific research. Ff. 397-398: covering letter by Cherniaev (Russian consul in Constantinople, 24 Mai 1860, copy)), and N. Marabuti (vice-consul in Jaffa, June 5, 1860, copy) on the same subject. |
Language of material | Russian |
Sources | |
Reference | RU-PFARAN/118/Op.1 |
Title | Bishop Porphyrij Uspenskij, Journals |
Dates Start | 1843 |
Dates End | 1843 |
Level of description | Series |
Extend and medium | 19 selected and described files among a total of 419 files for the whole fonds |
Repository | St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PFARAN) |
Name of creator(s) | Bishop Porphyry Uspenskij (EPU) |
Description | Luckily, the archives of Porphyry are now in a good condition and conserved in the St. Petersburg Department of the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences (fond 118). The Imperial Academy of Sciences acquired them after his death on April 19, 1885, as it was stated in the Porphyry’s testament. Porphyry left the Academy a capital, the interest of which would fund the publication of his scientific works. In 1886 two members of the Russian Imperial Academy, Bychkov and Büler, reported about their preliminary work on systematization of the archives. At the same meeting of the Academy it was decided that Polychrony Syrku, a specialist in Byzantine and Old Slavonic studies would undertake the work of further systematization and description of Porphyry’s archive. The outcome of this work was impressive. Already in 1891 a printed catalogue of Porphyry’s papers appeared. Between 1894 and 1901 the Academy of Sciences published eight volumes of the Porphyry’s Journals. Finally, another important publication of the “Porphyry’s Commission” are the two volumes of documents and official correspondence, prepared by the byzantinologist P. Bezobrazov. Based on both the published and unpublished archival material several research studies on Porphyry’s activities were made. The fonds 118: an overlap between official documentation and personal papers: The first set of documents, concerning Porphyry’s appointment to Jerusalem, refers to the official papers of the Holy Synod and to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Most of them are preserved in at least two copies—one or more in Porphyry’s archive, and the other in the archive of the Holy Synod. A third copy may be found in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Among them are the following: Porphyry’s letters to the over-prosecutor [ober-procuror] of the Holy Synod Count Nikolay Protasov (16), and to directors of the departments of the Synod (Serbinovich (85), Voitsehovich (2), Karasevsky (8). The next file (45) also contains official letters of Porphyry addressed to the Russian Ambassador at Constantinople Vladimir Titov (74) and to the Asian department of the Ministry of Foreign affairs. Many of them represent detailed reports on the state of affairs in the Near East. Dossiers 46 and 47 contain 143 letters (from the 1848-53 period), addressed by Porphyry to the Russian Consul general at Beirut Constantine Basili, as well as one report about the Holy Sepulcre written for Emperor Nicolas I. The official answers of these persons form a separate file (49). Another group of interesting letters are addressed to Porphyry by the Russian consuls in Jaffa (G. Mostras) and in Beirut (C. Basili, file 50). Porphyry also corresponded with Boris Mansurov, the founder of the Palestine Committee. Most of the letters are focusing on Mount Athos, but one of them concerns the new head of the Russian mission in Jerusalem after the Crimean war, bishop Cyril Naumov. Porphyry found the appointment of a Russian bishop to Jerusalem completely wrong: first of all because the presence of two bishops in one town was against the church canons, and second, because the Cyril’s behavior was in his opinion “inappropriate”. Among the letters written by Porphyry to Russian high ecclesiastics, his correspondence with Metropolitan Filaret of Moscow should be specially pointed. The papers of the Russian mission eo ipso are conserved in two big files (238 and 352 ff.), containing official correspondence of Porphyry with different persons in Russia and abroad, dating from the period 1842-54. Apart of letters by Basili and Titov, one can find here financial papers of the mission and also an architectural plan of the future house of the Russian mission, which was built in 1853. Of special importance is also a summary of the activities of Porphyry in Jerusalem, written by himself. During Porphyry’s absence from Jerusalem he was informed about the state of affairs by his assistant and member of the mission, hieromonk Theophan (8 letters dated 1851-52). Of course information on Jerusalem is dispersed in all his private correspondence from the period of his stay there. 19 letters are addressed to Greek high ecclesiastics, among them 11 to Patriarch of Jerusalem Cyril (1848-1854, 40 ff.). During his stay in Jerusalem, Porphyry wrote detailed notes on the history, geography, ethnography and statistics of Palestine. In a separate file he collected copies and translations of descriptions of the Holy Land by other persons, as well as journals of pilgrims of different countries and centuries. Among the copies of documents written by other persons, most important is the printed report of Boris Mansurov (the founder of the Palestine Commission, dated 1858), written after his visit to Jerusalem, followed by a letter of the Grand Duke Constantine Nikolaevich to Porphyry, and Porphyry’s opinion on Mansurov’s proposals. Another note, which was also published later, belongs to Consul Basili (on the statistics of Syria and Palestine).20 The collection of Porphyry is rich in illustrative materials—gravures, sketches, drawings, and photos. Some of them are related to the Holy Land and Jerusalem. |
Accruals | The fonds is closed. |
Conditions governing access | Subject to the authorization of St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PFARAN) |
Publication notes | Lora A. Gerd and Yann Potin, “Foreign Affairs through Private Papers: Bishop Porphyry Uspenskij and his Archives about Jerusalem (1842-1860)”, in XXXX P. Syrku (ed.), Opisanie bumag episkopa Porphyrija Uspenskogo, pozhertvovannyh im v Imperatorskuju Academiju nauk po zaveshaniju . [Description of the Papers of Bishop Porphyrij Uspenskij, left by him to the Imperial Academy of Sciences according to his Testament], (St.-Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences edition, 1891). Porphyry Uspenskij, Kniga bytija moego. Dnevniki I avtobiographicheskie zapiski episkopa Porphyrija Uspenskogo [The Book of my Being. Journals and Autobiographical notes of Bishop Porphyrij Uspenskij], vols. 1-8. (St.-Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences edition, 1894-1901). P. V. Bezobrazov (ed.), Materialy dlia biographii episkopa Porphyrija Uspenskogo [Materials on the Biography of Bishop Porphyry Uspenskij]. Vol. I. Official Papers; vol. II. Correspondence (St.-Petersburg, Imperial Academy of Sciences Editions, 1910). A. Dmitrievskij, Ep. Porphyrij Uspenskij, kak iniciator I organizator pervoj russkoj duhovnoj missii v Jerusalime [Bishop Porphyrij Uspenskij, the initiator and organizer of the First Russian ecclesiastical mission in Jerusalem] (St. Petersburg, 1906). A. Dmitrievskij, Porphyrij (Uspenskij). Po povodu stoletija so dnia ego rozhdenija [Porphyrij (Uspenskij). On occasion of his 100 s anniversary] (St. Petersburg, 1906). “Uchrezhdenije I pervyj period dejatel’nosti Russkoj Duhovnoj missii pod nachal’stvom archimandrite Porphyrija (1842-1855)” [“Foundation and First period of the Activities of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission under archimandrite Porphyrij (1842-1855)”], in: N. N. Lisovoj (ed.), Rossija v Sviatoj Zemle. Documenty I materialy, vol. II. (Moscow, 2000): 12-51 (publication of documents from the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow). The scholarship on Porphyry’s materials has been mainly focused on his scientific research in church history and manuscripts. See for ex.: Archim. Innokentij (Prosvirnin), “Pamiati Episkopa Porphyrija (Constantina Alexandrovicha Uspenskogo). 1804-1885”[“In memory of Bishop Porphyry (Constantin Alexandrovich Uspenskij)”], in: Bogoslovskije Trudy, 26 (1985): 315-325. L. Gerd, “Ep. Porphyrij Uspenskij: iz epistoliarnogo nasledija”[“Bishop Porphyry Uspenskij: from his epistolograpy”], in: I. Medvedev (ed.), Archivy Russkih vizantinistov v Sankt-Peterburge [Archives of the Russian Byzantinologists in St.-Petersburg] (St. Petersburg, Dmitrij Bulanin, 1995): 8-21. Edition: C. Basili, Syrija I Palestina pod turetskim pravitel’stvom [Syria and Palestine under Turkish Domination]( Odessa, 1862), part II, p. 126-317. Petersburg Department of the Archive of the Academy of Sciences. Fond 118, op. 1, d. 171, 174, 175, 191, 195. The major part of the photographic views are edited: R. Gultiaev, ed., Ierusalim v 1857 godu v fotografijah iz kollekcii episkopa Porphyrija (Uspenskogo) [Jerusalem in 1857 on photos from the collection of Bishop Porphyry (Uspenskij) / SPFARAN] (Moscow, Indrik, 2007). |
Rules or conventions | International standard for archival description, General, etc. |
Date of the catalogue | September 2017 |
Archivist's notes | Author : Lora A. Gerd (Historian, Institute of History, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg) |
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