Registers of Jerusalem Municipality Council during the Ottoman period
Held by Jerusalem City Archives (AIY)
Reference | JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters/Vol10/p9b/item46 |
Title | Upon a petition regarding oil production, 27 July 1904 (Gregorian calendar) - 14 Tammûz 1320 (Ottoman fiscal calendar (Rumi) |
Dates | 1904-07-27 |
Dates Start | 1904-07-27 |
Dates End | 1904-07-27 |
Level of description | Item |
Extend and medium | 1 item |
Repository | Jerusalem City Archives (AIY) |
Name of creator(s) | Jerusalem Municipality (IY) |
Description | Upon the petition given on 27 July 1904 by İlyas Bin İsa Nablusi, a subject of the Ottoman State The petitioner said that five batman, five nügi, two sülüs of one tin of plain oil he had purchased from Gattar Al Zahravi (?), for 170 piasters at a rate of dâric-i bender, was mixed, and requested a control of this oil and due actions to be taken in respect thereof. In the report given by the municipal doctor, it was declared that the analysis revealed that said plain oil was mixed with suet. In the fourth article of the regulation later published for the purpose of ensuring the purity of plain oil produced domestically, it is clearly stated that the oil of tradesmen and merchants doing a retail business by selling mixed oil shall be confiscated, and that a fine of 1 five-piaster piece to 5 five piaster pieces shall be taken from them. In accordance with the regulation, the said oil has thus been confiscated and is now being colored in such a way as to be rendered inedible and unsellable; due actions are also being taken to collect the necessary penalty from Gattar; however, justice also requires that 170 piasters, which is the cost of the said oil, be collected from Gattar and submitted to the petitioner. It is thus appropriate to relegate the matter to the office of Police Chief Inspector to take due actions in respect thereof. The 14th of Tammûz (1)320 (27th of July 1904) |
Language of material | Ottoman Turkish |
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Reference | JM-AIY/OttomanRegisters |
Title | Registers of Jerusalem Municipality Council during the Ottoman period |
Covering dates | 1892-01-01-1917-12-31 |
Dates Start | 1892-01-01 |
Dates End | 1917-12-31 |
Level of description | Fonds |
Extend and medium | Global extent: 18 volumes, 4192 items (more than 1200 pages, more than 3420 municipal decisions, for a minimum amount of 16568 lines of handwritten text) |
Repository | Jerusalem City Archives (AIY) |
Name of creator(s) | Jerusalem Municipality (IY) |
Description | This inventory includes the transcription (into Arabic and Turkish) and translation into English of the 18 volumes of reports (55% in Ottoman Turkish, 45% in Arabic) from the Ottoman municipality of Jerusalem between 1892 and 1917. |
Accruals | The collection is closed. |
System of arrangement | Chronological. |
Conditions governing access | Subject to the authorization of Jerusalem City Archives (AIY) |
Publication notes | Yasemin Avci, Vincent Lemire and Falestin Naili "Publishing Jerusalem’s Ottoman Municipal Archives (1892-1917): A Turning Point for the City’s Historiography," Jerusalem Quarterly, no. 60 (2015), 110-119. Falestin Naili, "La dé-municipalisation de la gouvernance urbaine et de l’espace politique post-ottoman : le cas de Jérusalem", URL: |
Related descriptions | Record group of the Municipal Archives of Jerusalem during the British Mandate |
Rules or conventions | International standard for archival description, General, etc. |
Date of the catalogue | Catalogue prepared during 2014-2018. |
Archivist's notes | Detailed inventory of the Registers of Jerusalem Municipality Council during the Ottoman period (1892-1917), held by Jerusalem City Archive, made by Yasemin Avci, Hanna Borne, Abdul-Hameed Al-Kayyali, Vincent Lemire, Falestin Naili et Erkal Ünal, 2014-2018. |
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